Friday, January 23, 2015

The Mother Church: Ryman Auditorium

Joshua Bronnenberg, Museum and Tours Manager, explained to our class that the auditorium was originally
a church but also designed as a "theater in the round" with a circle shaped stage in the center and seating all
the way around it.  There was no balcony, backstage, or dressing rooms.

The balcony was added in 1897 for a Confederate Veterans meeting. It was painted
many times before the major renovation and restoration in 1994.  Today is has been restored to
its original appearance and pattern. Renovation is simply improving or adding. The renovation at the Ryman
included adding a new wing which today houses concessions, meeting rooms, rest rooms, ticket sales,
offices, and a gift shop.  Right now (in 2015) they are renovating and expanding this mid-1990s renovation
but not the actual stage or backstage areas. Restoration is returning something back to its original condition, ex. the balcony.

Ryman Auditorium is not only an example of sustainability as it continues to hold concerts and other events (which was its original purpose), but it also serves as a museum.  Adaptable use is another term used often in public history.  A good example of adaptable reuse is the Frist Museum, which used to be a Post Office.

Students enjoyed seeing the Minnie Pearl exhibit. She is perhaps the Grand Ole Opry's most famous female comedian. She was also a graduate of Ward-Belmont, which is one of our predecessor schools. When it closed in 1951 the high school division reopened here -- the next fall -- renamed the Harpeth Hall School. All of the original faculty members, administrators, and most students were from Ward-Belmont.  Minnie Pearl's real name was Ophelia Sarah Colley Cannon.  At Ward-Belmont she was called Ophie as a nickname. In her adult life she used Sarah and her married name, Cannon.

A display showing the process of discovering the original look and design of the balcony. This is on permanent display on the second floor of the Ryman. There is also a timeline which shows historic events, performances, and people who are a part of Ryman history.

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